Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Resolution

Actually, I made this resolution for the new 2007-2008 school year, but to ring in the new 2008 calendar year, I resolve to strengthen my commitment to learn about (yes, and use in my curriculum) this new Read/Write Web, Web 2.0 kind of stuff, which is pretty exciting. Last Spring I heard Alan November speak at the Tennessee Association of Independent Schools tech conference. His keynote address was humbling, and I decided then that a little update, a little moving and shaking in the way I use technology with my students, would be in order. So, I entered the school year with renewed interest in how I teach and how I work with kids in the classroom. I have been reading a lot on the Web, also leaning from the book Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms, by Will Richardson. This past Fall I enjoyed tuning in to the Fall, Tech Forum, and this summer I am planning a trip to Boston to attend November Learning BLC 2008. Here is the next step, this new blog, Talk 2 Tigers, a place where I will track my Read/Write journey, a first step anyway. I want to share the kinds of things I am doing with the students, along with the things I am pondering and planning.
I have also started a del.icio.us post (is there an easy way to remember where all the dots go in this?!), and I have a shell of a classroom wiki space for our classroom projects. It is overwhelming me, but what a fun way to be overwhelmed- thinking about how to tap into the webkinz-facebook-myspace-flickr-youtube-kind of world in which our kids are engaged. They are not only engaged, they are learning and collaborating with each each other, with kids all over the world, from all walks of life. Now, that is neat. You may have great suggestions for how to get started in the classroom. Being quite the newbie, I would love to hear from you.

What is your New Year's Resolution?